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Bucket List of Top 10 Different Cultures I want to Try

  • Jamaican

  • Indian

  • Mexican

  • Greek

  • Japanese

  • Spanish

  • Australian

  • Vietnamese

  • Korean

  • Caribbean

Above is just a top 10 list of the different cultures that I am interested in trying, although I have already tried some of these that are on the list. I have tried Jamaican food which is really good I would definitely recommend (make sure you watch out for bones), I have tried some things in the mexican culture, I have tried some spanish bean and rice which was really good. I have also tried some Pho which comes from Vietnam, which I would 100% recommend, I have had some korean barbecue, which is 10/10. Finally I have eaten some Caribbean food when I was on my cruise in the Bahamas, I tried some conch fritters on the island of Grand Turk. They were amazing and would definitely recommend if you are ever in the Bahamas. I would love to hear some ideas that you have on different foods to tried in the comments down below.

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Thea K
Thea K
Jan 17, 2023

I've always wanted to try Korean Barbecue! I'd be interested in seeing a review of it!


Chandra Kistner Hoffman
Chandra Kistner Hoffman
Jan 12, 2023

Ack I can't read this without getting hungry! I am excited to see what you do with these cuisines and read reviews and try recipes!

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